
A.K. and I did some weaving at the Vancouver Art Gallery a few months ago.
Here's a finished blanket.
They'll be distributed to people in need during the brutal Canadian winter.
Installation by Travis Meinolf.


Not sure I trust their "one size fits all" designation. 
My head is huge.
By T.E.M.O.R.E.S. at New High (M)art.

Creatures of Comfort

Prettiness from the Creatures of Comfort summer sale that caught my eye.


For some reason, I just found this very reassuring.
By Liam Devowski.

UPDATE: I love
this too.

Lauren Nassef

I really like Lauren Nassef's drawings.


Isn't this girl beautiful?
I've always wanted a Roman nose and perfect bob.
Those feather neckpieces are nice, too.


Sixers return to their original logo. Sweet.
Via the awesome logo blog Brand New.

First Woman-designed Mosque

First mosque designed by a woman, in Istanbul.
By Zeynep Fadillioglu via Future Blog.